This Poem is to my Jordie and though I know I shouldn’t make it long
I have a lot to tell you about a Personality that was so strong.
Jordan had a way of being excited about everything he did and everything he spoke.
And more than anyone I know he really loved a cheesy joke.
If you were upset Jordan was the one you really needed on your side because he would go to all lengths for you to fix the reason that you cried.
Jordan was a fixer of the problems of human kind.
He was built for that job… his heart, his soul, and his creative mind.
His laughter was contagious, his independence was so strong, he went after all the things he loved and he’d always invite you along.
He always had unconventional ideas about ways to make things work
And when they did you could tell he was proud from the “I knew it” smirk.
Now on a little bit more of a personal note
I have some things to tell you Jordi and I have some things of yours to quote.
I know a paragraph isn’t enough to wrap up 8 years of Jordie and Allison land.
You know it all anyway because you always took a picture with the imaginary camera in your hands.
You were the only person, who would get so excited to see me, no matter what.
And remember when I got up for that award, Only you would hoot and holler and smack me on the butt.
No one else gives me wet willies or raspberry’s on the tummy
Or push me around in shopping carts or describe things as “hmm Yummy”.
And remember the first Halloween that we spent together you love this story so you won’t mind,
That I tell everybody that all the girls there were checking out your nice behind.
And remember how you went home empty handed cause you ate all the candy along the way. Can you believe that we weren’t working that was before we ever worked at G.A.
Thanks for searching for me around NJ and the better part of town, picking me up and driving me home when I had a fight with some other friend.
And thanks for pretending to pick my nose every single time you were Bugs Bunny and I was Yosemite Sam.
And uncontrollably laughing through your head at my “peoples elbow” body slam.
I could always be incredibly blunt to you without you getting upset or walking away.
Like the time I told you to lose the mutton chops and you insisted they were here to stay.
Who else would help me make a Barbie birthday cake out of a real Barbie and a gallon of ice cream… a battle we didn’t win.
I guess we should have checked the freezer to make sure there was enough room for it to fit in.
And thanks to you every one asks if I really have a son that’s number 16
And who else would introduce me to something that’s called tofu ice cream.
No one else is exactly as bad as me at playing pool but you, I can’t believe every time we won the game it’s cause the other scratched on the 8-ball by pocketing the cue.
And you drove like an old man, while we listened to catch-22 and tried to sing.
And thanks for holding out your shirt when I needed somewhere to put $10.00 worth of grocery store toy machine bling-bling.
There’s hundreds of things that I want to tell you
But most of them are thank you.
Thank you for knowing everything I like, and pointing them all out
Thank you for giving me bear hugs when I was wearing an upset pout.
Thank you for not getting mad that I was bad at answering the phone
Thank you for showing me everything you love or want or own.
Thank you for laughing at all the corny things that I would say
Thank you for all the time we spent… every single day.
Jordie, I know you wanted to make a difference in this world… well my cheesehead you made a difference to every man and women, every boy and every girl.
Jordie, this last part I wrote because I know it would make you laugh my friend. I’m going to miss you so much, all my love I send.
So count em up they’re all there, four more than seven
Eleven, eleven, eleven
Eleven, eleven, eleven
Eleven, eleven, eleven
Eleven, eleven.
I E-Love-en you Jordan