Yo, Jordan –
Happy Passover! It felt really weird being here without you;
weirder than its felt the other times I’ve been here since November.
Your parents forgot to leave out a cup for Elijah, and I forgot to say
something about leaving out a cup of root beer for you (clever, eh? eh?)
I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately – you even made your way
into one of my dreams. Don’t worry, it wasn’t a sex dream. But you’ve
been on my mind a lot.
We’re probably going to get tattoos soon, featuring some of your artwork.
We talked about getting them on our asses, but we weren’t sure whether
you’d be insulted or amused – my bet was on the latter, though.
I think about you every time we’re about to go on an action, because
to this day you’re one of the people’s favorite folks to work with on
the street. I can only hope to become somebody as (…insert adjective…)
as you. You continue to be an inspiration.
Thanks for everything!
In Solidarity,
Dragonfly (Abe)