Excerpt from Colleen Berg:
“…Many people are content to sit back, and complain about the world, and the things that bother them. Jordan wasn’t many people.
Not many people have left dents in my life, people come and go, and fade out. Jordan left more then just a dent; I’ll forever see the world in a different light.
I’ll miss him. Who wouldn’t? I always thought Jordan was one of the best people I know. Full of personality, determination, adventure, with a strong drive to change the world. On top of everything, he was a great friend, and a kind soul.”
April 1, 2004….Jordan died doing the one thing he loved doing….demonstrating and trying to change the world…the way he thought it should be…He will forever be remembered as an activist….one not afraid to challenge the government, the white supremacists and racists on this earth…He saw wrong and tried to change it, he saw poverty and fought to fix it, he saw oppression and tried to fight it…
A friend of Jordan wrote: “… He figured out early in life that the measure of a man is how he impacts those that can do nothing for him. I promise to help someone soon and I promise it will be in the name of Jordan Feder.”
Kelly wrote:”…I feel blessed just to have known someone with such a pure heart.”